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Our Services
Sitting Child


Support your babies and kids rapidly growing nervous system through gentle and specific chiropractic care.



The pregnant body undergoes a multitude of changes through this special time. Having a chiropractor on your birth team can help you adapt to these changes from preconception all the way through to postpartum.

Family Moments

Whole Families

We love serving families of all sizes and helping them reach their health and wellness goals.

What techniques do we use?
  • Toggle Recoil Technique - a specific and gentle chiropractic technique used to correct the positioning of the upper cervical vertebra, Atlas (C1) and Axis (C2),  without the use of any twisting, bending, or cracking of the neck. The technique uses a side-lying position, to avoid rotation of the neck and increase comfort. A dropping headpiece is used to dampen the spinal correction and create a recoiling or “spring-like” vibration. This allows the doctor to use minimal force while implementing maximal precision and specificity. Our office is the only Nassau County chiropractic clinic with a Toggle Recoil specialist and one of the select few with a trained upper cervical chiropractor. This technique has helped helped people with headaches, migraines, high blood pressure, vertigo, sleeping issues, hormone imbalances, loss of balance, dizziness, thyroid dysfunction, and respiratory problems.


  • Webster Technique - The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated. Sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor for the mother (i.e., dystocia), caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby mal-presentation. Correction of sacral subluxation may have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia.


  • Sacro Occipital Technique - Sacro Occipital Technique  (also referred to as SOT) – This is a specific chiropractic technique that uses triangular-shaped blocks usually placed under the pelvis of the prone patient to treat problems identified in the low back. Low force, slow pressure types of manipulations/adjustments may be used to address joint problems identified in the skull. SOT may be used as an exclusive treatment technique or as an adjunct method of patient management.


  • Activator Method - The Activator Method chiropractic technique is a type of manual manipulation treatment used by chiropractors to treat various types of back and neck pain, as well as extremity complaints. This treatment method uses the Activator adjusting instrument, which is an alternative to traditional manipulation utilizing a high velocity, low amplitude (HVLA) thrust.


  • The Diversified Technique - The Diversified Technique has 3 main purposes, and they are to restore spinal alignment, repair joint disfunction, and ensure proper movement and mobility. Using hands-on thrusts with extreme precision, practitioners can restore spinal alignment and increase a patient’s range of motion which may be affected by misaligned joints or bones. This technique is widely used, with 96% of all chiropractors using the Diversified Technique on approximately 70% of their patients.


  • Thompson Drop-Table Technique - The Thompson Drop-Table Technique uses a precision adjusting table along with a weighing mechanism which gives sufficient tension to keep the patient in the “up” position before the thrust or pressure is applied. This technique comprises of a special table with several segments in it known as drop pieces. These table segments can be lifted up a fraction of an inch, so that upon delivering the thrust, the table drops. This table is known as “Segmental Drop Table,” and it helps in enhancing the motion of the area or segment which is to be adjusted, usually the mid-back, low back and pelvic area. These drop pieces aid in the thrust thus minimizing the force/pressure required for the adjustment. This is one of the benefits of this technique. 


  • Chiropractic Soft Tissue Technique - includes any form of bodywork to your body’s soft tissues. So muscles, ligaments, tendons and connective tissue are all fair game. When our bodies are injured, stressed or worn, our soft tissues take a brunt of that beating. Soft Tissue Technique work together to treat and manage body frame structures so that it can once again perform at optimal levels. 


  • The Gonstead Technique - an adjustment method used to realign the spine. It is known as one of the most precise and effective methods to relieve pain and promote optimal alignment of the spine. It is a manual (hands-on) technique Maximum balance and stability in the spinal column may be achieved when the pelvis, vertebrae, and legs are level. Gonstead adjustments are designed for maximum affect to the discs, while also working to restore normal alignment and motion.


  • Arthrostim® - An Arthrostim® adjustment involves the use of one of these special instruments. It has an appearance similar to a drill, and is held in a similar manner. What it does is produce a speedy thrust and recoil motion, similar to the way a chiropractor uses their hands to adjust the vertebrae in your back.


  • Extremity Adjustment - Extremity adjustments is the practice of manipulating the joint of an extremity to instill motion within that joint. ... When joints lose motion, they begin to break down over time. Any sort of joint can benefit from an adjustment, from wrists to shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, ankles, and even your jaw.


  • Kinesiology Taping - Rock tape main effects: improved blood and lymphatic flow in taped area, mechanical effect:improves the slide and glide between tissue layers. Neurological effect-alters the perception of pain and improves body awareness. Rock tape assists in decreasing pain levels, reduces swelling and bruising, provides functional support while allowing for full range of movement. It’s hypoallergenic- no zinc oxide or latex and is water resistant- can be worn for up to 5 days.


  • Myofascial Release (MFR) - MFR therapy focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness. There are a number of conditions and symptoms that myofascial release therapy addresses. Many patients seek myofascial treatment after losing flexibility or function following an injury or if experiencing ongoing back, shoulder, hip, or virtually pain in any area containing soft tissue.

Our doctors use adjunctive modalities as needed, including moist heat therapy and Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) which provide an evidence-based approach to addressing both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions.  

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We accept auto, work and sports injury cases.
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